Second RAF Protector Now Operating in Waddington

SAN DIEGO, CA, July 23, 2024 – (ACN Newswire via – The United Kingdom’s Royal Air Force (RAF) now has two Protector RG Mk1 Remotely Piloted Aircraft (RPA) operating at RAF Waddington. The second Protector has started its ground trial at RAF Station Waddington with first flight expected in August. Protector is based on the […]

Conveyancing-Solicitor Expands on its Offers to Connect Buyers and Sellers with Top-Level Conveyancing Solicitors

London, UK – July 23, 2024 – (SeaPRwire) – Recently-launched solicitor adjunct company reveals its full-suite of services. Founded by two industry veterans, the company now offers client support, exclusive law firm connections and transparent processes to all. Due to the complexity of modern property transactions, choosing the right conveyancing solicitor has become increasingly important. […]

Spa & Massage’s 50% Revenue Growth in a Competitive Market Accredited to Science-First Massage Methods

London, UK – July 23, 2024 – (SeaPRwire) – Massage therapy clinic chain Spa & Massage ( achieves impressive revenue growth due to its science-based massage concepts. With such success, the company plans to expand, bringing its services to more Londoners. Spa & Massage, a leading chain of massage therapy clinics in London, announced 50% year-over-year revenue growth […]


(SeaPRwire) –   矽谷深具財力的科技產業向來投票給民主黨。但過去一個月,一群科技主管站出來支持唐納·川普,理由包括他對該產業將會更友善,以及現任總統喬·拜登不適合連任。  但現在拜登已退出競選,民主黨似乎正在團結支持賀錦麗,一場爭奪矽谷好感和捐款的戰役可能會隨之而來。賀錦麗來自奧克蘭,許多人認…

「2025 計畫」消滅公立學校的計畫已經開始

(SeaPRwire) –   「2025 計畫」是前總統川普可能回任白宮第一年的政策議程,由右翼保守派智庫「傳統基金會」 (The Heritage Foundation) 發布,最近引發熱議。這項議程中包含許多破壞性的提議,包括削減聯邦教育資金和任何民權保障,並將公款轉向私立學校的教育券計畫。 不要懷疑…


(SeaPRwire) –   美國副總統 卡瑪拉·賀里斯 成了中國社交媒體的熱門話題,用戶們紛紛押注 唐納·川普 會重返白宮。 週一清晨,美國大選主導了中國類 Twitter 平台微博的前四個熱門話題,中國人醒來後得知美國總統拜登退出 2024 年大選。截至中午,「拜登退出」標籤的瀏覽量已達 3.7 億次…

GA-ASI to Host First Blue Magic Event in the Netherlands

SAN DIEGO, CA, July 22, 2024 – (ACN Newswire via – Following the success of Blue Magic events held in Belgium, General Atomics Aeronautical Systems, Inc. (GA-ASI) has scheduled its first Blue Magic event in the Netherlands on Nov. 19, 2024. The Blue Magic Netherlands (BMN) event will be held in Eindhoven, a city known […]


(SeaPRwire) –   幾乎在美國總統喬·拜登宣布競選連任並正式支持副總統賀錦麗接替他的職務後,民主黨各界重要人物便紛紛站出來支持她,讓賀錦麗在爭取主要政黨總統提名的史無前例的競爭中,獲得一股強大的勢頭。然而,一些值得注意的例外人物卻沒有表達支持,這表明副總統還沒有完全鎖定提名。 拜登陣營的重要基石…

AEON and CJPT working to resolve logistics industry issues and achieve carbon neutrality at AEON Fukuoka XD

Toyota City, Japan, July 22, 2024 – (JCN Newswire via – AEON Co., Ltd. (AEON), AEON KYUSHU Co., Ltd. (AEON KYUSHU), AEON GLOBAL SCM Co., Ltd. (AEON GLOBAL SCM), and Commercial Japan Partnership Technologies Corporation (CJPT) will implement initiatives seeking to address social issues faced by the logistics industry and contribute to carbon neutrality […]

Rovanpera and Ogier score another TOYOTA GAZOO Racing one-two

Toyota City, Japan, July 22, 2024 – (JCN Newswire via – TOYOTA GAZOO Racing World Rally Team has claimed a second successive one-two finish after Kalle Rovanperä stormed to victory ahead of Sébastien Ogier at the FIA World Rally Championship’s first Rally Latvia. Returning to the high-speed gravel roads where he began his rally […]


(SeaPRwire) –   華盛頓——週日,對總統喬·拜登競選連任的喧囂沒有任何平息的跡象,第五位參議員敦促他退出競選,讓民主黨進行「公開程序」選出新候選人。拜登競選團隊承認「意見分歧」,但表示該黨將團結一致擊敗共和黨人唐納·川普。 西維吉尼亞州參議員喬·曼欽,一位今年曾考慮競選總統的獨立人士,也是一位…